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React Router for navigation

React Router is a popular library for handling navigation in React applications. It enables you to create a single-page application with navigation by managing the URL and rendering the appropriate components based on the URL.

  1. Installation:  You can install React Router using npm or yarn:

2. BrowserRouter:   BrowserRouter is a top-level component that should wrap your entire application.  It uses the HTML5 history API to keep UI in sync with the URL.


3. Route: The Route component is used to declare a route and the corresponding component to render when the route matches the current URL.

4. Link and NavLink: The Link component is used to create navigation links. It prevents a full page reload when a link is clicked.

NavLink is similar to Link, but it allows you to add styles to the active link based on the current URL.

5. Switch: The Switch component is used to render the first Route that matches the current location.

6. Route Parameters: You can use parameters in routes to make them dynamic. Parameters are accessed using the useParams hook.

These are just some of the basic concepts of React Router. React Router also provides more advanced features such as nested routes, route guards, and route transitions, making it a powerful tool for handling navigation in React applications.

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