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What is software development?

Software development is the process programmers use to build computer programs. The process, also known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), includes several phases that provide a method for building products that meet technical specifications and user requirements.

The SDLC provides an international standard that software companies can use to build and improve their computer programs. It offers a defined structure for development teams to follow in the design, creation and maintenance of high-quality software. The aim of the IT software development process is to build effective products within a defined budget and timeline.

Key steps in the software development process

Developing a software application involves a series of steps, or a process, that helps ensure the final product is of high quality and meets the needs of the end users. At a software development company, this process typically includes the following

Idea generation and planning

The development process begins with the identification of a need or opportunity for a new software application. This can come from internal discussions within the company or from requests from external clients. Once the idea for the software has been identified, the development team will work to define the scope and goals of the project, as well as create a plan for how the work will be organized and completed.

Design and prototyping

The next step in the process is to create a visual design for the software application, including wireframes and mockups. These designs will be used to prototype the application and test its usability.


After the design has been finalized, the development team will begin writing the code for the application. This process may involve several iterations and testing to ensure the application is functional and meets the requirements outlined in the project plan.


Once the code has been written, the application will be tested to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This may involve both automated testing and manual testing by a team of testers.


When the application has been successfully tested and any issues have been addressed, it is ready to be deployed. This process may involve installing the application on servers or uploading it to an app store for users to download.


After the application has been deployed, the development team will continue to monitor it for any issues and make updates as needed. This may involve releasing new versions of the software with bug fixes and new features.