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Illuminate Web Development with Laravel Lighthouse at Sigmato.

If you’re looking for general information about Laravel Lighthouse and web development, here are some key points that might be relevant:

  1. Laravel Lighthouse:

    • Laravel Lighthouse is a package that adds a GraphQL server to a Laravel application. GraphQL is a query language for APIs.
  2. GraphQL in Laravel:

    • Laravel Lighthouse allows you to define your GraphQL schema using the GraphQL SDL (Schema Definition Language) and seamlessly integrates with Laravel models and Eloquent.
  3. Schema Definition Language (SDL):

    • SDL is used to define the types and structure of your GraphQL API. It provides a clear and concise way to express the capabilities of your server.
  4. Eloquent Integration:

    • Laravel Lighthouse makes it easy to integrate with Eloquent, Laravel’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), allowing you to query and mutate data from your database using GraphQL.
  5. Queries and Mutations:

    • In GraphQL, queries are used to fetch data, and mutations are used to modify data. Laravel Lighthouse supports both, and you can define them in your schema.
  6. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Laravel Lighthouse supports authentication and authorization mechanisms, allowing you to control access to certain parts of your GraphQL API based on user roles and permissions.
  7. Directives:

    • Directives in GraphQL provide a way to attach metadata and modify the behavior of fields or types. Laravel Lighthouse allows you to define custom directives to extend functionality.
  8. Validation and Error Handling:

    • Laravel Lighthouse includes validation mechanisms for incoming queries and mutations. It also provides clear error responses in case of issues.
  9. Pagination:

    • Dealing with paginated data is a common scenario in web development. Laravel Lighthouse includes built-in support for paginating GraphQL queries.
  10. Real-Time Updates with Subscriptions:

    • GraphQL subscriptions enable real-time updates. Laravel Lighthouse supports subscriptions, allowing clients to receive updates when specific events occur.
  11. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize performance by implementing features like data batching and caching, reducing the number of queries needed to fulfill a GraphQL request.
  12. Testing:

    • Write tests for your GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions to ensure the reliability of your Laravel Lighthouse-powered API.
  13. Documentation:

    • Generate and maintain documentation for your GraphQL API using tools provided by Laravel Lighthouse.
  14. Community and Support:

    • Stay connected with the Laravel and Laravel Lighthouse communities for updates, best practices, and support.

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