Sigmato | Software & Mobile App Development Company

In today’s fast-paced digital world, user authentication is a critical aspect of any web application. To enhance the user experience and maintain security standards, we’ve implemented a robust Login and Signup feature on our company website using React and React Bootstrap. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a seamless and secure authentication experience.

React – The Heart of our Frontend

React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, provides a modular and efficient way to develop single-page applications. With its component-based architecture, React allows us to create reusable UI components, making our codebase more maintainable and scalable.

React Bootstrap – Stylish and Responsive UI Components

To ensure a visually appealing and responsive design, we’ve integrated React Bootstrap into our project. React Bootstrap combines the power of Bootstrap with the flexibility of React components, enabling us to create sleek user interfaces with minimal effort.

Login Page

Our Login page provides a secure gateway for registered users to access their accounts. Here’s an overview of its key features:

  • Email Authentication: Users log in using their registered email addresses.
  • Password Security: We enforce a strong password policy to protect user accounts.
  • Toast Notifications: React Toastify library is employed to display informative and user-friendly error messages.

Before we let users log in, we want to make sure they’ve entered the necessary information. We check if the email and password fields are filled. If not, we warn the user.

We’re using a small program (a library) to check if the entered email looks like a valid email address. If it’s not, we warn the user.

Below is the Code:-

We’ve added a way to show friendly messages to users. If they forget to enter their email or password, a warning message will appear. 

If the password is too short, there’s another warning.

We’ve added a link so that if someone doesn’t have an account, they can easily click to go to the signup pages.

Sign Up:

Similar to the login page, we’re creating a special component for the Signup form. This component will help users create a new account on our website.

In the Signup form, users are asked to provide their name, email, and create a password.

Below is the Code:-

Before users can create an account, we make sure they’ve filled in all the necessary information. If they forget to enter their name, email, or password, we’ll let them know.

Just like in the login form, if everything is good, we show a little success message (a toast) saying they’ve successfully created their account. It’s a small pop-up notification.

If all the fields are filled correctly, then if we Sign-Up it will show the pop-up as Signed-Up!.