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How to Install ReactJS on Windows?|2023

React JS : is an open-source JavaScript powerhouse, centered around components to create rapid and engaging user interfaces for web and mobile applications. Its strength lies in enabling dynamic app development with simplified coding and an extensive feature set. Embraced by major corporations and thriving startups alike, React redefines the creation of interactive applications.:

ReactJS Features-

1.Component-Based Structure: Enables modular and reusable components for building UI elements.

2.Rich Ecosystem: Offers a vast library of tools and extensions for extensive functionality.

3.Developer Tools: Provides robust debugging and inspection tools for seamless development.

How to install React.JS on Windows :

Step 1:You can download the Node.js installer free from the official website. The long-term support (LTS) version is recommended even though the current version has the latest features.

react 0

Step 2:After the installation, you can open the command prompt by typing cmd in the Windows search bar. At the prompt, type the command -> 

node -v

If the installation went well it will give you the version you have installed.

Step 3:Following this, execute the subsequent command in the terminal to effortlessly install the Create-React-App module, simplifying the creation and deployment of React into projects by using just one command.

npm install -g create-react-app  

It will globally install react app for you. To check everything went well run the command.

create-react-app --version

If everything went well it will give you the installed version of react app.

Step 4:Create a new folder in which your first React app will be. You can do so from the command prompt by running the following command.

mkdir myfirstreactapp

Step 5:After that, move inside that folder by running the cd command followed by the folder name.

cd myfirstreactapp

Here is the output.

Step 6:Once inside your new folder, run the following command. It installs all the required dependencies and creates a new folder for your React app.

create-react-app yourfirstapp

If everything is successful, you will see a similar output as below.

Step 7: To start your app run the below command :

npm start  

If everything goes well, you will see a new tab with the React logo opened in your default browser.

You’re prepared to begin coding within your freshly set up React development environment.