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10 Must-Know Tools for Every MERN Stack Developer

The MERN Stack-a combination of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js-is gaining prominence for dynamic and scalable web development. Because of this, the world of MERN Stack entails several sets of tools that make not only the development process more productive but also iron out the workflows for creating and managing applications even further.

VS Code

  • Description: Visual Studio Code by Microsoft is a very powerful open source code editor. Some features of this editor mean a lot with respect to MERN stack development, such as syntax highlighting, debugging, and working with Git.
  • Why It’s Must-Have: Thoracic ecosystem of extensions targeting Node.js, React.js, and MongoDB. Inbuilt terminal and Git integration. Theming and settings for personalized development environments.


  • Overview: The most used tool during API development and testing is Postman. This tool, in turn, enables developers to easily design, share, test, and document APIs.
  • Why It’s Important: It makes the testing and debugging of RESTful APIs easier. It allows automation in testing APIs by using collections and environments. It does detailed reporting and monitoring.

MongoDB Compass

  • Description: MongoDB Compass is the official GUI for MongoDB. As such, it allows for an easy way of interacting with MongoDB databases.
  • Why It’s Essential: Has made visualization of MongoDB data easy. Advanced query building and performance analysis. Schema exploration and indexing.

Git and GitHub

  • Description: Git is version control for code changes, and GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories.  
  • Why They’re Essential: Git lets the developers version code efficiently. GitHub Pull requests, issues, and project management, just to name a few. Code reviews and team collaboration are possible.


  • Description: Webpack is the most important JavaScript module bundler. It bundles the JavaScript files together with CSS and images into one output file.
  • Why It’s Important: It manages the assets of your React application quite effectively and optimizes them in the process. It supports code splitting and dynamic imports for better performance. Out of the box, it can be configured for a range of different project needs.


Description: Babel is a JavaScript compiler for using next generation JavaScript, today. It transpiles ES6, ES7, and later code into browser-compatible older versions of JavaScript.

Why It’s Essential: They provide backwards capability for older browsers by transpiling modern JavaScript. Seamlessly prepare stacks with Webpack in smooth development way. It can support a wide variety of plugins for additional functionality.


  • Description: ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems.
  • Why It’s Essential: Enforces coding standards and best practices to improve code quality. Provides real-time linting and automatic fixing of the most common issues out-of-the-box. High degree of customizability with hundreds of rules to configure.


  • Description: Jest from Facebook is a testing platform which works brightly with React apps to keep your codebase stable and bug-free.
  • Why It’s Must-Have: Provides a simple, intuitive API for writing tests. Supports writing snapshot testing out of the box, which helps in observing changes in UI components. Has built-in test runners and assertions.


  • Description: Nodemon automatically restarts a running Node.js application when file changes take place in the file system.
  • Why It’s Crucial: That makes it so much more productive, by not having to stop and start your Node.js application every time you make an edit while developing it. Improves development flow with live changes. Configuration is also possible for high-demanding scenarios.


  • Description: Docker is a container platform to build, ship, and run applications that ensures consistency across diverse environments.
  • Why It’s Essential: Simplify deployment by offering consistency in the environments of both development and deployment of Easy scaling and orchestration Docker Compose. It seamlessly integrates with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines for successful development cycles.

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  • Mastering these tools goes a long way in efficient and effective development on the MERN stack. These functionalities are availed by Visual Studio Code, Postman, MongoDB Compass, among many more. This will let developers work correctly on their respective workflows and ensure quality code is written for robust, scalable applications. Whether this is a seasoned developer or a newcomer, learning these tools will pay dividends either way in the MERN ecosystem.